Best Parenting Tip Ever!

Today is Wednesday. I usually participate in Works For Me Wednesday over at Rocks In My Dryer, but not this week.

As you probably know, we're in Wisconsin. Hopefully, we're sitting by the water on a sweltering day, sipping lemonade and dipping our toes in the lake. Maybe catching a fish or two. Not really missing the computer at all (okay, maybe a little). And hopefully we're not watching flood waters rise or a tornado coming our way. It can go either way in the great state of Wisconsin!

Even though I'm not participating in WFMW, I thought today would be a good day to tell you about the BEST parenting advice I ever got. It's as simple as this :

Some time before you need your kids to shift gears (i.e. stop playing and pick up, turn off the TV, say goodbye to their friend, get ready for bed, etc.) say "Hey kids, we're going to XYZ in five minutes, okay?" And then make sure they heard you by asking them to look you in the eyes and respond "Okay, Mommy."

The kids file it away in the back of their brains that the clock's ticking, and that they're going to do something different soon. That way, when you say "Okay! Time to XYZ!", they are MUCH less likely to have a meltdown than if you just spring it on them and expect them to cooperate immediately.

It's to the point now, where all we have to do in our house is say "Five minutes!", or get their attention and hold up five fingers (comes in handy when they're across the room or at the very top of the play land tunnel at McDonald's).

Give it a works for me! (And it worked ON me too - this advice was from my parents) :)

P.S. It doesn't have to be precisely 5 minutes from the time you want to shift gears. It can be one can be 30 minutes. And BTW, this tip works on 2 year olds and 6 year olds alike (and probably older, I just don't have experience there yet)

a  – (7/02/2008 07:25:00 AM)  

Great idea! I'm going to have to try it.

Anonymous –   – (7/02/2008 07:53:00 AM)  

Sounds too simple to be true, but I've somehow noticed that such unbelievably simple things tend to work better than more complicated ones:)

Need to try, thank you for sharing:)

Anonymous –   – (7/02/2008 06:52:00 PM)  

yes that is a great idea, I've been using that tip since my children were babies - kind of gives them time to be prepared...


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