Christmas was a wonderful time for our little family. Here are some of my favorite memories:

The kids decorated cookies. I decided to offer *zero* artistic input this year. In other words, I would not tell them to put fewer sprinkles. They could sprinkle to their little hearts were content. Can you tell?

This is the way my little Thomas spent most of the holiday the front carrier. How else could I clean the house, shop, bake, AND smell his fuzzy little head all day long? I'm so thankful for my little
Santa was here! 
He left some! Santa left a drop of milk and a bite of cookie behind. At first, Samantha seemed concerned...but she felt OK about it after popping the little bit of cookie in her mouth :)

Don't you just love reactions like this?! Needless to say, Clara loved her new teddy. Her favorite gift though, was her new guitar. She promptly decorated it with stickers to make it her own. Any musical talent our kids might have is a gift straight from the Lord...certainly not an inheritance from me or their dad! (although I heard Luke singing "Jesus Loves Me" to Samantha last night...he's been holding out on me...he really has a beautiful voice.)

Ben's big gift this year was a GIANT airplane made of some sort of
styrofoam type material. Lots of fun!

Don't have words for this one...isn't he sweet?

Samantha's big gift this year was a doll house. She loves to pretend. Here she is peeking through the front door of her new house.
We all enjoyed having Daddy around more. We hate it when he has to go to work! He's such a fun Daddy. He's reading the gang one of Samantha's new books here.
Did I mention that my husband is wonderful? I got to escape all by myself for a couple of hours on the 26
th to hunt for bargains. I found this cute winter decoration for only a few dollars at Michael's. Gotta love those "70% OFF" signs!