Raising Children...

What can I say? It's one of those days. I haven't left the house...not even to check the mail. The kids (especially one who will remain unnamed) are really putting me to the test today. One minute someone is throwing a toy in defiance, the next that same child is calling "Mama, I'm DOOOONE" from the bathroom. It's tough to switch mode and mindset that quickly for me.

I know, I know...children are a blessing and tomorrow is another day. But today, raising these children feels an awful lot like I'm being pecked.

To Death.

By Chickens.

Anonymous –   – (1/10/2008 10:33:00 PM)  

Ha ha ha ha!!! Laughing outloud because it is sooooooooooooo true!


Misty  – (1/10/2008 11:13:00 PM)  

I came here via Jamie's blog. yours intrigued me as I too am from Boise. (well, live between nampa and meridian now)...

this made me laugh. I have at least one day a week just like that... That button... Ever a truer statement...

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