Looks Like A Duck, Sounds Like a Duck, Must Be...
>> Tuesday, June 3, 2008 –
Life and Family,
You guessed it...a Duck! A female and a whole bunch of her babies, to be more precise. What's the word used for "whole bunch of baby ducks"? Brood? Litter? Herd? Gang? Posse? I don't know. I'm goin' with "whole bunch".
Just look at them! Aren't they sweet? They turned up in my friend's back yard a week or so ago. The kids had a ball watching them parade around the fence-line. And they made sure they didn't go hungry...they threw about a half a loaf of bread at them in bite-sized pieces :)
Here's the sweet little mama and her bunch:
I love how she tilted her head in this one. She's so pretty!
She's really checking me out!
How adorable and soft are these little ones?

There's just something so sweet and innocent about these babies. They'll never say "NO!". They'll never say "Mawwwwm" in that pained and irritated voice. They'll never slam a door and stomp their feet. Or maybe they will in their little duck ways? I could be ignorant about the moods of ducklings...should I be watching more National Geographic channel?

If you look very closely, they all look just a bit different from one another.

Uh-oh. Mama duck is getting grumpy with me. See how her head feathers and tail feathers are doin' their thing? I'm no duck expert, but I'm pretty sure she's trying to say something like "Back of girl, or I'm gonna come over their and slap you upside the head with these vicious webbed orange things of mine!"

"Yeah, that's our mama! We're outa here. Watch us go. We're a waddlin'."

Great pictures, and so sweet. We have 3 ducks in our pond that Grace loves to see. She would go crazy over all the ducklings!!!
Love these photos. Is there a pond or lake close by?
Thanks for stopping by. It's incredible that the ducks and her babies just showed up. What a wonderful memory!
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SOOOOOO CUTE! Thanks for sharing those adorable ducky pics!