The Importance Of A Girl's Daddy
>> Monday, July 21, 2008 –
Life and Family,
My hubby took Clara to our church's Father Daughter dinner last Friday. We got her all spiffed up in a pretty dress. She looked forward to her special Daddy date for days!
She was especially proud of the pretty twist we put in her hair:
My girls love each other so much...something I'm very thankful for. They call each other "sissy", and are always looking out for one another (when they're not bickering, that is :) ).
Hubby surprised Clara with a wrist corsage. She'd never seen one before, and has no idea what he's doing in this picture:
Now she's starting to understand:)

I loved the look on her face as he put the flower on her wrist for her. She felt so precious and spoiled...just as every little girl should feel from time to time.

I always hoped that he would make a good Daddy, but I had no idea just how incredible he would be. They had a wonderful date, and Clara felt like a princess for the night.

Daddy's are so important in a little girl's life. There is so much that she learns from him...
Daddy is the first man to love her unconditionally.
Daddy is the first man to make her feel safe.
Daddy is the first man to make her feel cherished.
Daddy is the first man to tell her that she is beautiful.
Daddy is the one who will show her how a wife is to be loved.
Daddy is the one to whom she will compare all other men in her life.
Daddy is the disciplinarian who must be firm and loving at the same time.
Daddy's love can make her feel powerful and special. A lack of Daddy's love can make her feel helpless and without worth.
Daddy is who she will think of when she first hears God referred to as "Father".
I am so thankful that my daughters have such an incredible Daddy!
P.S. To my own Daddy...being born as your girl is one of my life's greatest blessings. I love you!
That is a wonderful post! I know I loved being my daddy's girl. I am also glad I have a girl so my hubby can have a daddy's girl.
awww what a sweet occasion!
So, so , so sweet!!!
Hi D! That deleted comment was me! I deleted it because I noticed you weren't using his name anywhere (at least not anywhere immediately) and I used his name in my comment. I just wasn't, I'll say it again, without saying it again....Good job hubby of D!
This brought tears to my eyes. How precious.
Since my dad died when I was two, I never got to experience those special times with him. I'm so glad you shared this.
That is so sweet I hope someday my Colleen will get to expreciance something like that with her Daddy, Brent.
my eyes are all misty. This is so wonderful.