Mountain Top Birthday Party
A couple of weeks ago, my sister called and told us that Trevor (who was turning 4) had chosen to go camping for his birthday party. Would we be there?
My first reaction was something like, "Well, I don't know, I'll have to talk with hubby." But on the inside, it went more like "CAMPING?!? Are you insane? I can barely take these kids to the bank and back without losing my mind! HA! NO WAY!"
The more hubby and I talked about it though, the more I thought...why not? So I got busy planning and packing. Not that all my planning did me much good this go 'round. I forgot some pretty basic stuff. Like enough water for us to drink! And sunscreen. And jackets for the kids...I remembered mine though, and I was toasty warm, thank-you-very-much. I'm such a great mom.
We had lots of fun. It was a good weekend adventure. A dirty, tiring, buggy, puky adventure, but an adventure all the same. I don't mean to make it sound like we didn't have fun...we did. It was tons of fun. But Clara got car sick on the way up, and on the way down the mountain. And tell me can one night camping result in 17 loads of laundry? It's a mystery.
The most terrible thing that happened on this trip? I had just set out to take some great pictures of God's creation...when my camera battery died. THE HORROR! I won't let that happen again.
I got some great shots before that happened though. Here goes...
My little family setting up the tent:
This camp chair has a little section in the middle that is designed to be a cooler. But it was a perfect fit for my little Thomas' backside! He spent quite a bit of time in "his chair" :)
Here's my youngest sister, Megan. She came all the way from Wisconsin for this weekend. What a great aunt!
While Trevor was taking a nap, we set up camp to be a big birthday party. Look at all these goodies my sister brought up! She's such a neat Mom :)
Once we got the party all set up, we put our party hats on and sat around looking at each other while we waited for the birthday boy to wake up.
Surprise, Trevor!

It was a great trip, and one that I hope turns into an annual tradition. And if it does? I'll pack some jackets and some water. And I'll charge my camera battery first. And I'll buy a camper with a shower in it. And a microwave. And a bathroom. And a big bed. And maybe the kids will get to come too...
lol..."the horror". I made that mistake once too.
Hello, just stumbled upon your blog and camping caught my eye. What great fun it looks like you had. We are a camping family, nothing like being out in the beautiful outdoors to appreciate what God has given us. I am with you though, gotta have the bathroom, kitchen, beds, etc. We even bring portable DVD players. Shhhh.
lol it looks like the kids are all having ALOT of fun! You're brave going camping with a baby, we didn't take our youngest in a tent until he was 2 and even then it was hard enough. No chance having a microwave, a big bed and a bathroom though not unless yep you get a camper. I tell ya, we've got a caravan (camper) and it's awesome, just makes a big easier difference with children and comfort and all the conveniences.
But it's great family time if you're on a budget like we are.
Good Morning! We usually make at least one camping trip a year. Sounds like your ready for family camp:) by the way there are no showers there. Great pics!!!! Nathan is the newby to camping this year. Dirt babies go hand in hand don't they? You have a beautiful family. Have a blessed weekend.