Not An Ugly One In The Bunch!
A month or two ago, these guys (first picture) had a great party with some of my most favorit-est-est-est people in the whole wide world. Spending time with this particular group of people makes me think of how I imagine Heaven will be some day. We all love the Lord. We all love each other. They don't even roll their eyes at me when I stick my camera lens in their face again :) Now THAT just might be the definition of good friends!
And they all have kids that are just amazingly beautiful! It's probably they joy in them...every one of these kids are cherished, and I think they know it. Every kid should be so lucky.
I finally had a chance in the past couple of days to play around with the photos I took. Sorry gang...I didn't get every child as was my goal. Some of your little munchkins just would NOT keep their eyes open for me. It probably had something to do with a minor photographic error...of having everyone practically staring into the sun. Lesson learned.
I had a ball playing around in Lightroom...different cropping, different presets. My carpal tunnel is acting up again I've had so much fun! Here are some of my favorites:

How come you're not a professional photographer girl?
Daiguiri, you captured some gorgeous smiles, and fun. See you are a great photographer!!!
These pictures made me misty eyed, and I don't even know these people!
Granted, you had some cutie pie subjects to work with, but these pictures are GORGEOUS!
There is no question you would be a WONDERFUL professional photographer. Start with the people who are asking for your services, build your portfolio, and you'll be on your way. With pictures like these, word of mouth is the only advertising you'll need.
The kids are sure cute, but man, that picture of me is U.G.L.Y! (and it has nothing to do with the photographer or camera!) I must've been having an ugly day or something!
Those are just gorgeous!!