
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Seek The Lord Sunday: God's Grace

I've felt particularly drawn to the book of Galatians this week. I've been reading and re-reading it in my spare quiet moments (and with 4 little ones, I have SO many of those, HA!).

If not extra quiet moments, I did find some extra peace in this wonderful book this week. There is one verse that keeps playing in my head like a stuck record...

"I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!" Galatians 2:21

I admit it: I have control issues. It's a daily battle for me to turn my life over to God and to just rest in his grace and mercy. And when I think about my eternity? Sometimes I panic.

I think, "Oh, I'm not good enough! I don't deserve it! What if I've missed something and I'm actually headed down instead of up?!" And in my mind, I try to take inventory of all the "good" stuff I've done that might tip the scales in my favor. And then I panic some more...knowing that there's probably "bad" stuff that I'm not even aware of. It's a terrible, vicious circle!

But this verse. This verse really hit me this week. If I could do enough...if it were possible to do enough "good" to earn our way to Heaven? Then Christ would have died for NOTHING.

When I try, in my little mind, to figure my way into Heaven based on doing "good", I'm reducing what Jesus did for me to nothing. I'm making a mockery of his sacrifice. It's like saying, "Yeah, that was awful nice of you. It's kind of a nice safety net in case I need it. But me? I'm okay. I'm doing tons of great stuff here, so I should be fine. Thanks anyway!"

I'm made righteous...I'm saved...because of God's GRACE. Nothing more and nothing less. If I stand before the gates of Heaven some day and hear the question "Why should you be let in?" My answer should only be...CAN only be, "Because Jesus died for me, and he washed me clean. His sacrifice was 100% sufficient. His grace is enough."

(I'm probably throw a "pretty please with sugar on top" in there somewhere too!)

And resting in God's grace is such a relief. I don't have to do it! I can stop trying so hard to be "good", and focus only on being grateful. I can focus on living a life that is inspired by my love for the one who showed me such grace. I can focus on my Jesus.

This week is an "Open" week. Write about whatever you want. Hopefully, you've been praying and seeking all week and the Lord has taught you a thing or two too! Please share :)

Seek The Lord Sunday Participants

1. Abrianna

2. Stonefox (Heidi)

3. Nickers and Ink

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  1. May the Lord reveal truth . . . in His time . . .


    ROLL MODELS, at Nickers and Ink

  2. It was so nice to read this. I had been thinking along similar lines for a post I was working on, and ran across this. It was interesting to hear how you silenced that nagging voice that tells us we should somehow be doing more. Nice. Even though you don't believe in it, I think you'd find this address beautiful, too.
