
Thursday, August 21, 2008

So Much To Do, So Little Summer...

We're doing our best around here to soak up as much summer as we can in these last few days. School starts on Monday (sniff!). There's a lot to do yet! Like swing games to play...

Little girl secrets to tell...

Bars to monkey around on...

And new tricks to learn...

And I suppose I shouldn't forget: frogs to scare so badly that they pee all over the place...

He probably saw my Clara coming at him with this big stick. If I saw a giant Clara approaching with a big stick, I'd probably pee too! Here he is, checking out his "gift" (much to Clara's delighted squeals)...

He seems to approve. Mostly though, I'll bet he's trying to figure out if he can somehow hide under the stick. (Note: No frogs were harmed during the production of this summertime event. He was deposited safely in the long grass by the shed where 2 year olds with sticks and bored dogs could not find him.)

There's stuff to do inside too. Like play video games (I console myself with the fact that he at least has to be standing and moving to play this one)...

And eat snacks while charming Mama with a killer dimpled smile...

And when Mama pokes her head out from behind the camera and shouts "BOO!", there is lots of tray banging, giggling, and kicking of legs to do...

I thought I'd better grab this shot of summertime grass with a bit of morning dew on it...something to stare at when all that's outside is dead grass, brown trees, and snow (don't worry, I'm sure I'll still find great stuff to take photos of).

Awww, summer...sweet summer. Must you go so soon?


  1. I always really LOVE your nature pictures...and your goodness. He is just such a photogenic little happy guy!

  2. Your pictures brought me so many smiles today. WOW. Thanks so much for posting them. I needed a smile today... even if it is an exhausted one, we started school a week ago. YAWN!

  3. Over here on the WA coast, we are still waiting for summer. Can you send some our way?

  4. These pictures are all too precious (except for the frog . . . ick!) but the kids are just sweet!
