
Thursday, August 28, 2008

What The LDS (Mormon) Church Teaches: The Format Of These Posts

As you probably already know, I'm beginning a new series about the teachings of the LDS (Mormon) church. If you didn't see the original post which described my intent, please go read that post now.

I thought I'd take a few minutes to describe what I expect the format of these posts to look like. I'll try to avoid turning them into gigango posts, but no guarantees! Here's what the general format will be:

Section 1: Teachings of the LDS church. I will do my very best to simply report this objectively (without adding my comments). I will also do my best to document and back up everything I say with links to the proper documents. I don't want this to be just "I heard that ...." type of posts. I'll research what I write.

Section 2: Info on the same topic, but not necessarily from an LDS source, and applicable scripture from the Holy Bible. I'll also research this, and might add notes from Bible scholars, historians, language specialists, etc. Again, I'll try and be as objective as possible. I'll likely be using Wikipedia frequently (an online encyclopedia).

Section 3: This is where you'll get my personal notes and comments. Based on section 1 and 2, I'll write about what I think.

Section 4: Based on sections 1,2 & 3, I'll have some questions for you to consider. They might be addressed to folks of the LDS faith, or they might be general questions for anyone who is seeking God's Truth. Many of them will likely be questions that I'm still pondering myself.

And about these questions, they are not necessarily questions for you to give me the answers to. I am not the One you answer to! My hope is that you'll read, pray, and seek on your own time. If you'd like for us to read about how you'd answer the questions, feel free to comment here (if it's relatively short)...or better yet, write a post about it at your own blog and leave a link in my comments section.

As for your I said earlier, I welcome them. I'm especially interested in your correction if I've said something that is incorrect regarding LDS beliefs. But please, if you're going to correct me, please document your claim instead of simply saying "I think...". Fair enough?

Okay, I've been researching my first topic for the past couple of days...I'm off to write :)


  1. I've read plenty of blogs where someone not of my faith addresses this topic and not one of them has done it with such grace.

    I can only hope that no one comes on and only reads a smalls section of anything you write, instead of the full series and intent.

  2. Lovely. I admire your willingness to study, read, research and document. I am also grateful that you are encouraging the LDS community to correct where necessary, and to share our perspective so that you can come to a greater understanding of our true beliefs.

    I would encourage all who post on your blog to follow the beautiful admonition of the Apostle Paul found in 1 Corinthians 13
    "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal...and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing...Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things."

    -Best wishes as you embark on this spiritual journey

  3. I admire your desire to dig deep into the Mormom religion. They are some of the best friends, neighbors a person could ever have in this world. I went back a looked and the start of the religion and Jospeh smith. Went through the history of their move from Zion (Independence MO) to UTAH. The time in Utah, to our governement headed there to arrest leaders,to the present day religion. As I went through this journey I became angry that anyone would actually be involved with this religion. So many changes in beliefs and so much lack of accountability from the top made me jaded. I pray in your journey you can put the history and facts behind you and remember these are people in need of Gods love and our love... It was a long journey for me and I still struggle at the blind faith they have in humans. I just need to remind myself of my background and it becomes clear to me how poeple will believe people blindly. I know you are the right person to tackle this. Putting my feet up, poping some popcorn, and reading. Go Girl!


  4. Wow...I know this is an older post, but I just read it and realized that my LDS study is set up exactly like yours (format-wise). Weird. Seriously...mine was based on the layout of one of the books that gave me the most insight because, well, it was easy to read.
