
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Movies, Movies, Movies!

Well, technically, it should probably be "movie, movie, picture" :)

Grandma has been quite demanding lately...she wants more grandkids around here! Here you go, Yaya & Papa. We miss you.

This first video was taken because I was getting such a kick out of watching Thomas eating. He adores the tomatoes from our can tell by the way he's trying to lick his tray! Turns out, Sammy and Clara got in on the action too. "Camera shy" will never be a title any of my kids hold :)

This next video is of Thomas crawling around and playing. He's so much fun these days :)

And this last shot is one of Thomas getting out of the bath...just last night!


  1. What a fun and happy age. Sometimes I miss those days.

  2. Daiq,

    Thank you, Thank you!!! This was a great way to get my grandbaby fix for the day. He sure is getting a neat little personality. Cant wait to see you.


  3. He's just so cute Daiquiri. I loved watching him crawl away too. I miss those days!
