
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Change Of Plans

You should have seen the post I had planned for today. It was genius! Articulate, funny, beautiful photos...really something ;-)

But Sammy's got a stomach bug today, so I'll be holding her hair back and moping the bathroom floor instead. It's not nice when kids are sick...especially 2 year olds who think that if they can just get away from the barf bowl and cover their mouth with their hands as tightly as possible, then that will stop the puking. Oh, the surprise and dismay in her sweet little eyes when it comes squirting out between her fingers!

Sorry. Too much info.

We haven't had a day of lounging in jammies, playing on the floor, and snuggling on the couch in ages. We're due for a day like this anyway.

Please pray that she's feeling back to her "Yankee Doodle" singing self soon. It's always a little scary for this neurotic mommy when the little ones are sick...


  1. oooh yucky. I sure hope Sammy gets better soon! We're having a sickie day too. Z has a fever so we're laying low.


  2. I know what you mean! I get anxious about ANYTHING abnormal with my baby!
    I hope she feels better soon!

  3. Poor Sammy. We are also having a sick day, 2 actually. Courtney came home from school yesterday after throwing up twice at school. So yesterday was a day filled with alternating naps and puke. Today she seems better, but thought I would keep her home in case.

    Hang in there momma, stomach bugs seem to be pretty quick moving.

  4. UGH!!!! I do not do well when my boys are sick.

    Praying for Sammy and a quick recovery and peace for you mommy!

    So love days of jammies and snuggles!


  5. Must be the weather. JD is home sick today. Just a cold thing. I hope Sammy bounces back soon!

  6. I've always thought it was amazing that my kids would make it all the way to the trashcan or toilet and...puke right next to it.
