Organizing Hair Accessories

This has been driving me IN. SANE.

Every morning, I'm brushing hair for school and digging frantically through this mess to find something that works. And then I got organized. This was my sister's idea...isn't it great?

You can find these things practically anywhere. You can find them in sporting supplies (to organize fishing stuff), or craft stores. I think I got mine at Wally-World. Some I sorted by type, and some I sorted by color. It's so much easier to find what I'm looking for now!

While I'm at it, I thought I'd share a tip for getting clips to stay in my girls' hair. These clips typically slide right out of their silky soft hair. So I took some clear hair bands, and wrapped it around the arm of the clip. Sticks like glue now, and you can't see it.

Give it a try, it works for me!

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Anonymous –   – (10/14/2008 10:21:00 PM)  

Great idea! Currently, I have our hair ties in a WalMart bag! UGH! I may even have an extra organizer like that handy! Thanks!

Lana  – (10/14/2008 10:28:00 PM)  

That is such a neat idea! I have an old caboodle...which holds the brushes as well.

Admin  – (10/14/2008 11:17:00 PM)  

I like the hair clip idea (with the rubber band)...I have a daughter with slippery Asian hair and NOTHING will stay in!

Unknown  – (10/14/2008 11:18:00 PM)  

That last comment was from me, not my husband (crossmark). He happens to have a photo blog, in case you are interested in visiting.

Anonymous –   – (10/15/2008 12:00:00 AM)  

Hey, sweet idea! I love it when things are all in-their-place ... makes you feel like you can BREATHE! Whew! :)

Anonymous –   – (10/15/2008 08:49:00 AM)  

Great idea - I'm so going to try this. Thanks for sharing!

Vanessa  – (10/15/2008 09:14:00 AM)  

Thanks for sharing! We're about to have our first girl, so I am sure I'll be using your clear elastic tip. Genuis!

CZ  – (10/15/2008 11:04:00 AM)  

I love the clear hair bands around the slippery clip. This will open tons of hair styling options for my 3 year old!!!
I'll have to dig my "friendship bracelet" kit that I used in the early nineties to store thread ;)

Anonymous –   – (10/15/2008 11:17:00 AM)  

What a great idea about the clear bands! I will have to try that, as our daughter's hair is straight and fine.

She doesn't like to put things in her hair (sigh), so the few hair accessories we do have are wrapped around an empty toilet paper roll. Works for us!

Kristin  – (10/15/2008 11:35:00 AM)  

Oh, I love the idea for the clips and clear bands. My daughter has such fine hair and I have some great clips that won't work. I'll have to try this! Thanks!

Wanda  – (10/15/2008 02:53:00 PM)  

We have a is horrible! I have two teen girls with every hair accessory known to man.

I would need a huge tub!

But your idea looks great!

I'll keep dreaming....

MamaHen Em  – (10/15/2008 08:37:00 PM)  

You will never know how glad I am to get this advice TODAY!!! My little chickie girl has stick straight baby fine hair and the bows will not stay in. If we use rubber bands, it breaks her hair so most days her mid back length hair hangs in her face. Tomorrow, I'll be shopping for the little clear rubber bands! Yea!! Thanks!!

Anonymous –   – (10/16/2008 12:32:00 AM)  

As a dude I don't see the point in this post....if its laying around throw it learn real quick...and it keeps me from having to do any organizing...

Anonymous –   – (10/16/2008 10:22:00 AM)  

This is a fabulous idea. I have four daughters and we are forever searching for our hair "stuff"!


Amy  – (10/16/2008 07:39:00 PM)  

I wish I had thought of putting the hair bands on the clip when my daughter was young!! That is a great idea

Crystal  – (10/24/2008 10:23:00 AM)  

I love those ideas!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

Monali Mishra  – (11/06/2009 08:40:00 AM) nice an idea.if u like u can visit my blog to see how i store my hair accessories.

Anonymous –   – (3/11/2010 02:38:00 PM)  

Great idea and super creative! Thank you for sharing!!!

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