Memory Lane - Part 3
I almost forgot about these Memory Lane posts!
Forgive me for messing up the "order" of things. In Part 2 I was still a mere babe of a few months old. But these are the pictures that really touched me today, so this is what you're gettin'!
In these photos, I'm between 2 and 3 years old...about my Sammy's age. Is it me or does she look a little like me?
I just adore this first picture. First of all, I have CURLS! I've had stick straight hair as long as I can remember. Oh...I hope that doesn't mean Sammy's going to lose her beautiful curls. Maybe I'll just never cut her hair so we don't have to worry.
Second, see that high chair? Every one of my babies has sat in that exact high chair...metal tray and "genuine Naugahyde" seat and all. At one point, my Dad put that material (was going to say fabric, but I'm not sure it works!) on the high chair and our dining room chairs. Those dining room chairs now sit in my dining room! Although I replaced the Naugahyde with a more traditional fabric. Clearly, I did so before having children. These days I'm thinking of putting some Naugahyde back on! That Daddy of mine...he knows his stuff.
And third - the cake. My Mom made us a double-decker chocolate cake with chocolate frosting every single birthday. It's still my favorite. My mom? She knows her stuff too.
Hey, look at that plate! I have a bowl that matches that plate in my cupboard right now. I just love having little bits and pieces of my childhood around my house :)
Can I just bugs me that these two pictures have such different color tones. Flash in one but not the other maybe?
Here's my beautiful Mama and Grandma showering me with gifts. Look at that cheesy grin again...
Looks like I got a big-wheel for my birthday. And that grin again...I'm detecting a pattern here. The thought of my Mom and Dad giving me a big-wheel for my 2nd birthday absolutely blows my mind. Although at the time, I NEVER would have known because I had every single thing my little girl heart desired...but looking back (and from stories Mom and Dad tell), we were B.R.O.K.E. back then. Mom and Dad were very young and Dad was in school. Let's see...if I was turning two, then we were living in Oshkosh, Wisconsin and Dad was going to school to get his degree in nursing.
Here's that silly grin again. See? I had everything I ever Mommy and Daddy. The needs of a little girl are really quite simple. Hey, look at the old picture of Grandma and Grandpa!
I gasped when I saw this Sammy "does the dishes" every single day! She cracked me up yesterday. She said, "Mama, I want to do the dishes with you."
"Well, sweetie, but I'm not doing the dishes. I'm vacuuming right now."
"Okay, I see."
"Mama, I want to do the dishes without you."

I absolutely LOVE these memory lane posts...What wonderful memories.
Oh my, I love that last one, I never know how much Clara looks like you did as a little girl! She smiles just like that. Awhhh, and grandpa!! I have great memories of him in his chair. Thanks for the good memories =)
The picture of you doing dishes was taken in Oshkosh at the upper
flat we rented.
You were and still are beautiful!