The Many Faces Of Thomas
>> Wednesday, January 14, 2009 –
Life and Family,
My baby boy...what a little bundle of joy and silliness and spunk! He's cracking me up lately with all his different faces, especially when he sees the camera pointed his way.
The Christmas Morning Shot:
The "Hey look! I got a cool gift from Grandpa too!" shot:
The "Mommy got be before I could react" shot:
The "Ooo ooo oooo" shot (his favorite new "word" along with "Hi!"):
The "Look at my abnormally large noggin, how do you ever get shirts on me?" shot:

The "Ha! I got mom's phone. Maybe I'll call Mexico" shot:


The "No, of course I will not sit and smile nicely for you" shot:
I'm getting caught up on my blog reading and this post made me laugh out loud. Great pictures!
And I love the "face plant" video. It was so funny how Sammy had to stop and make sure she planted her face in the pillow, too, before she got up.
Great post! : )
That son of yours is absolutely gorgeous - and clearly has a great sense of humour already.