It's Official: I'm a Soccer Mom
So far (from my very limited experience) I've learned that being a soccer mom means doing whatever it takes to see your kid doing stuff like this:

Snuggles with Yaya on the sidelines :)

I was shocked by what an incredible thrill it was for me to see my girl out there. She just takes my breath away!

We sure had fun sharing this fun new "first" with Yaya and Papa :)

I wonder - does this happen for every parent? When I see my kids at an event like this it's as if it's just so OBVIOUS that they're special - THE most special, in fact. I'm pretty sure there was some sort of heavenly spotlight shining on Clara this could everyone not notice? ;)
That's exactly how I feel about my kids. : ) It comes with parenting I guess. And yours ARE so special. : )
I loved playing soccer when I was a kid. Can't wait to see one of her games and cheer her on.
Welcome to the club.
Oh, yes, yes, YES. I completely see it. And splendid photos! Couldn't help but smile peeking into your slice of wonderful. Thanks for sharing!