Now Just To Find A Band...
>> Friday, March 6, 2009 –
Life and Family
From the time this little girl could speak, she'd give the same answer when asked what she wants to be when she grows up: "A mommy, in a band, and a soccer player." I don't know where she got these ideas, but they've been in her since...forever.
She finally had her very first soccer practice this week. We had so much fun getting her all decked out in shin guards and cleats :) She couldn't have been more proud. That goes for her Mama too.
After a brief period of literally hiding behind me and clinging to the back of my legs, she worked up the courage to kick the ball around a little bit with one of her new teammates.

I had heard brave tales of other soccer parents enduring the elements, but I never really believed them. I mean really, how tough can it be to sit and watch kids kick the ball around for an hour or so?
As Clara and I walked back to the car after practice, Clara summed the experience up perfectly.
"Mom, that was fun! And Mom? This is strange. I know I have toes...I just can't feel them!"
It was truly toe (and ear and finger and leg and...everything) - numbing out there!
It was frigid, but it was also a beautiful night. After a day of snow/rain/hail, the mountains had a fresh coat of powder. I, of course, had to stop on the way home to snap a few shots .
These are the lights of Bogus Basin,a ski hill just an hour from my front door.

PS. It doesn't really have a halo. It's great, but not THAT great. Those strange rainbow-like lines in the sky are there because I'm saving my blog pics at very low resolution these days. Why? Because I went to a friend's house recently and she had big 8x10 prints of some of my pictures hanging! I was flattered and honored and touched...and a bit freaked out. So now I'm doing low res pics.
Can tell that girl loves her momma. Really sweet seeing her dreams and the way she talks to you.
Just been out jogging in subfreezing temps. Sympathizing with the numb fingers, toes, ears... How is the half marathon training going? :)
I'm so glad she had a great time! And yes, it looks VERY cold in those shots. Beautiful pictures!!
It's so cute that they let them play in their winter coats!