A Hope And A Future
>> Thursday, June 18, 2009 –
Luke's workplace had something of a yardsale last week. They sold old office equipment, and hubby made out like a bandit! He came home with a drafting table, a big metal 4 drawer file cabinet (perfect for all those archived papers in the garage), and 4 lockers (also perfect for the garage - one for each kiddo!). Guess what he paid? $20! What a steal!
Our Ben took one look at the drafting table and claimed it as his own. "That will be perfect for my designing!" He grabbed some pens and paper, a stool, and promptly got to work before we could even drag the thing into the house.
He said he invented me a "house cleaning robot". I love that boy. I hope all his dreams come true ;-)

Ben is a fun kid, but has a rather serious and thoughtful nature. He can be running around the backyard with his buddies one minute...and the next he's disappeared. When I find him, he's typically sitting on the floor somewhere "inventing". He just gets ideas in his head, and starts sketching them out...with dimensions and everything.

Hubby and I have technical backgrounds....and it seems that this area of interest is somewhat genetic. We don't coach him, promise. In fact, sometimes I'd rather see the kid tossing a ball around!
Ben just loves to think...explore...solve...improve...understand EVERYTHING. I'm not exaggerating when I say that Ben asks questions about life and faith and God that I didn't think to contemplate until I was at least 30 years old.
This boy of mine - he has a bright future. I think it's a gift that he has such a firm grasp on what he loves to do. Do you remember struggling to figure out the direction you wanted to go when you were supposed to choose a major in college? It was agony for me. It won't be for my Ben!
And his heart - oh, his heart. It belongs firmly to the Lord, and for that I will be forever and overwhelmingly grateful. He believes, he has the boldness to share his heart, and he trusts in a way that only seems possible for children. I hope he never loses these gifts either.
I can't imagine raising children in this world without the Lord - terrifying!
Thank you, Lord for saving my boy.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
Your children are all so amazing and I think Ben probably has a better grasp on most things than I do! I love this blog and the face Ben is making... you can see is wheels working!
32 years old, four kids & a hubby, and I STILL don't know what I want to be when I grow up! Lucky Ben ;)