These are the Days
>> Wednesday, March 10, 2010 –
Life and Family
My Mom tells me from time to time "Enjoy this time in your life, Daiquiri. It's the best." with a wistful sigh in her voice. It's not that she's not enjoying her life NOW - quite the contrary. Mom and Dad are having a BALL. I think what she's referring to is memories like this:

Soft little cheeks, slobbery kisses, small little bodies that fit so snugly against mine...and surprise sweet snuggles on the couch. Who knew that the best time of life would involve nearly this much noise, chaos, strange smells...and HOW can that much toothpaste be stuck to the side of the sink? I'm not sure it will ever come off.
I'm not worried.
Maybe I'll leave it there forever to remind me of this time in our lives. Some moms save sweet little handprints and other art projects. Me? I'll chip off the 15 pound piece of dried toothpaste and use it as a centerpiece when my adult children come to dinner some day. HA!!
Today is filled with hustle and bustle. One of the cars has been in the shop, so I got to shuttle hubby around this morning (nice to spend a little extra time with him).
Just booked a ticket to fly to Wisconsin next weekend. Mom and Dad are doing a remodeling project, and I get to go out and help them shuffle stuff around and get settled back in. In other words - I'm taking a trip ALL by my big girl self! My husband is a sweet and gentle and considerate...ROCK STAR of a husband and daddy.
If I'm extra good, maybe we'll even find time for a Sheboygan steak sandwich while I'm there.
I'm trying not to be fearful. It's so easy for my neurotic brain to jump immediately to horrific scenes of something happening to me and my family being left without a wife and mommy. I keep trying to remind myself...if it's my time, then it's my time. If it's not, it's not. Either way, there's not a whole lot I can do about it.
Just in case: To my dear Luke - you are the love of my life and my greatest blessing. Thank you for loving me. I'll see you soon! To my babies - you made me whole. You are wonderful and lovely and perfect. Trust Jesus. I'll see you soon too!
Okay - enough of that.
In other news - still doing the Weight Watchers thing. Sorta sick of the points, but it's easier to keep track of one number than all the numbers associated with fat, protein, calories, fiber, etc. Not to mention the number on the tag of my jeans and on my scale...which was getting downright frightening!
I've lost 5 pounds, but more importantly, I've learned that a serving of pizza is one (or two) pieces...not 5. I've also learned that there's no need to be hungry as long as I fill up on lots of veggies. I've also learned that the Walmart "egg white product" makes me gag. Literally - the first food I've ever eaten that literally make me wretch and spit it back out.
I couldn't eat for hours after that for the churning in my tummy. Maybe that's a diet fad in itself...the "Walmart Gag" diet. There's a Saturday Night Live skit in there, I just know it.
Another fun thing today - I'm meeting with a prospective wedding client! I've always shied away from shooting weddings - just so darn SCARY. But I'm finally to the point where I trust myself and my gear enough to think that I can do this. I've also been praying like crazy...if this is NOT where I should be going, then slam the door, please. I'm so thankful that my life is in His hands.
My passion upon passion is photographing infants. Oh, there's just nothing like it. But I haven't tried the wedding scene yet - we'll see what happens. I might love it even more.
Well - off to straighten the house, get my little ones dressed, and (maybe) get a shower before noon. It's gonna be a great day!
Just talking about the sweet times with little ones made me emotional. Sigh.
And I just wrote a post about losing weight. Come check it out.
I pray you have a safe, wonderful trip.
I love reading your blog as I can relate to a lot that you say! Plus, we have a car in repair also and I have spend the last 2 days taking my hubby to work and back so I can use the car to get kids to appointments. ALSO, my son just had his 6th birthday last week! LOL! Weird huh? Anyway, I enjoy commiserating with you! Enjoy your time away! That is one area I wish I had in common with you! =)
Hey, I found you on my blogher ad (just joined). Seems like we have a lot in common. I sort of have a photography business (and by sort of, I mean I'm not accepting clients since I had a baby), and I'm on weight watchers. I'm learning a lot too.
Good luck with the weight loss!