Feeling a little sad this morning. We decided it was time to say goodbye to our old boy Packer last night. He was a fixture in our lives for 14+ years, and the house feels strange without him. I missed him limping his way over to me this morning to give me a good morning hug. He was a crazy dog...but he was so sweet and I loved him the best I could.
As I contemplate my heartache over a dog...it strikes me that God is love. Jesus came in love. The Holy Spirit ministers to us in love. We are made in His image, and we are called to so thoroughly love that it's becomes a badge that enables the world to identify the followers of Jesus.
But there's a serious cost to follow that call.
It costs us to love. It costs our very selves because love is an utterly selfless thing. It is caring about someone else even above ourselves. It is sacrificing and compromising and all giving...all pouring out.
Thankfully, love is designed to be a relationship - a two way street - a pouring out AND a filling up.
We love God and He loves us infinitely MORE.
We love a spouse and they love us back.
We love and old dog and we're met with faithful tail wags, a little jump of joy when they see us, and a sweet friendly presence to be with us...even if they are a hairy mess with awful (AWFUL) breath!
It's designed to be good and beautiful - a literal reflection of the amazing heart and character of our Creator.
But still...there's a heavy cost when choosing to love in this lifetime.
Too often, love is not reciprocated.
Too often, "love" is selfish and cruel (not actually love, but a misuse of the word).
Too often, the one(s) who are meant to love us the most are wrapped up in fear and hurt and lies...the best they can do is respond harshly and selfishly instead of gently as they strive to protect their already wounded heart. All they can pour out to their partner is the fear and hurt and lies that they're ruled by...and this upside down culture of ours encourages this as "strength" or "toughness" or "independence".
And even when we do find/discover/develop a (near) perfect Godly love that removes fear...that is patient and kind...that is giving and humble...that is honoring and self-giving...that is slow to anger an forgives quickly...that is a source of joy and comfort
...even then, there is a cost.
There is the cost demanded by time itself.
We see the precious hands weaken and the wrinkles set in. The hair grays and the walk slows. Time marches...marches...marches...
We know where it's leading. We tuck the dread away, and pray an earnest, "Maranatha!"
Yet, despite the cost, I choose love.
I choose connection and tenderness.
I choose to give my heart...my whole self...away.
Yes, there is a very steep cost of love...
...and I believe it's worth it.
Beautifully said!! Truly. Such truthful words. Always a cost to love fully. The chance that your heart will break, be broken. Had this conversation with a friend recently regarding owning a pet. Is it worth it when we have to say goodbye. So hard. But the love given and received before the goodbye, is priceless!